Strikes for use with 6100 vertical rod exit device
Standard for 6100. Applied to surface of floor or to a flat threshold. Standard packaging.
Applied to surface of stop. No mortise required. Standard packaging.
Bottom strike. Alternate bottom strike. Flush mounting stainless steel. Furnished with expansion shields. Requires mortise in the floor.
Strike for use with 6000 rim type exit device
For 6000 surface applied. Standard packaging.
Strikes for use with 9100 vertical rod fire rated exit device
Standard for 9100. Standard packaging.
Bottom strike for 9000. Flush mounting stainless steel. Furnished with expansion shields.
Requires mortise in the floor. Standard packaging.
Strike for use with 9000 rim fire exit device
For 9000 surface applied. Standard packaging.
Overlapping Strike
Surface applied. Used on inactive leaf for device on active keaf of pair of doors without mullion.
Additional Strikes
Lock front filler.
Strike filler.
Glass Bead Shim Kits
801 - For rim tyoe, 1/8" thick
806 - For vertical type, 1/8" thick
812 - For fire rated vertical type, 1/8" thick
When exit device are used with shim kits with outside trim, spindle length thumbpiece and thru bolt length must be increased accordingly.
Cylinder Dogging Kits
Prefix "CD" before part#. Available for all 6000 Series devices except fire exit hardware. Cylinder dogging with a mortise cylinder is located on the mounting insert lock bolt in retracted position. 27" minimum door width is required.
Cyl dogging Kits Panic Rim & Vert Rod Device